Client Portal

What is the portal?
The portal allows our clients to securely and safely share a variety of documents or files with Boyum Barenscheer.

Why use the portal?
The portal offers businesses, non-profits and individuals a way to securely share documents and files electronically instead of mailing, emailing or hand-delivering them. Shared files and documents will be available for clients to view on their portal at any time, based on the Retention Policy Guidelines.

How can clients get a portal?
Contact your Boyum Barenscheer accountant or business advisor and we’ll take it from there! You will receive an email with portal set-up instructions. To access your portal in the future you can simply go to our website, click on the Client Access button, choose “Portal” and then the LOGIN button.


Can I add any type of document?

Yes, you can add Word documents, PDF’s, Excel files, or QuickBook files.

Can I have more than one person access my portal?

Yes.  Contact our client support team for assistance.

What should I do if I forget my password?

Click on “Forgot Password” on the main login page.

Can I print a document from my portal?

Yes!  You can download the document to your computer and print or share from that location.

How do I know when a file or document has been sent to my portal?

A message will be sent to the email associated with your portal.

Need Help?

Contact our Client Support Team during normal business hours at