
Category: Nonprofit

July 7, 2022
Reviewing — and Possibly Revising — Your Nonprofit’s Spending Policy

A spending policy is the formula used to determine how much of the value of investments a nonprofit organization will tap each year for such expenses as operating costs and capital projects. Although it’s usually a good idea to stick with an established spending policy, ci...

June 16, 2022
Oversight and Controls Are Key to Limiting Fraud in Nonprofits

Recently, the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) published its biannual Report to the Nations: 2022 Global Study on Occupational Fraud and Abuse. Of all the types of organizations surveyed by the ACFE, not-for-profits actually were the least likely to experience...

June 2, 2022
For Nonprofits, Quid Pro Quo Isn’t a Simple Exchange

Quid pro quo donations occur when a not-for-profit receives a payment that includes a contribution and the organization provides the donor with goods or services valued at less than the contributor’s payment. Among other things, these arrangements create reporting obligati...

May 20, 2022
Support Your Nonprofit’s Financial Plans with Board Designations

The pandemic, ongoing economic insecurity and uncertainty about the future have prompted some not-for-profits to make board designations of unrestricted assets. What are board designations, why are they worth considering and how does the process work?...

May 10, 2022
CFO, Yes or No? Here’s How to Decide

Whether your not-for-profit organization needs a chief financial officer (CFO) depends on many factors, such as the size of your organization, the complexity and types of revenue sources, and the number of programs you have. Static organizations are less likely to need a CFO...

April 27, 2022
What Charitable Givers Need to Know About Taxes

Although most charitable donors aren’t primarily motivated by potential tax breaks, they still need to know how donations affect their taxes. It’s important for your not-for-profit to educate them — particularly as tax laws change. For example, in 2020 and 2021, even n...

March 30, 2022
Classify Your Nonprofit’s Workers Correctly — or Risk Repercussions

Many not-for-profits are understaffed in 2022, thanks to a labor shortage and pandemic-related budget shortfalls. Some organizations are filling the gaps with freelancers and contractors. However, such decisions can lead to trouble if these workers should really be classifie...

March 22, 2022
Conflict-of-Interest Policies: It’s About Trust

According to a 2021 Independent Sector survey, 57% of Americans trust not-for-profits to “do what is right.” Although that’s a majority, being trusted by just over half of respondents is hardly worth celebrating. Well-publicized scandals involving nonprofit principals ...

March 2, 2022
No Audit Required? Do It Anyway.

Your not-for-profit may not be required to undergo regular audits. But an audit can reassure donors and other stakeholders that you take seriously your responsibility. An audit can also help you identify risks before they become intractable problems. Here’s how to initiate...

February 23, 2022
Your Nonprofit’s Board Needs to Know These Financial Warning Signs

Is your board staring at financial red flags without knowing it? Although some warning signs — such as those experienced when the pandemic first hit — are obvious, others are easy to overlook. Here are several signs of trouble that board members need to be aware of and p...

January 26, 2022
What Your Nonprofit Needs for a Successful Capital Campaign

Many nonprofits have put major purchases and other ambitious initiatives on hold during the pandemic. But if you need to buy or expand a facility, purchase expensive equipment, or seed an endowment, your organization may not want to wait any longer....

January 19, 2022
Big, Small or In-Between: Your Nonprofit’s Board Size Is up to You

When a nonprofit is new, it may struggle to find an adequate number of board members. But as it grows, its board is also likely to grow — sometimes, to an unwieldy size. The question is: How many directors does your organization need to effectively pursue its mission?...