
Category: Individual Tax

March 30, 2020
CARES Act – Tax Summary

Congress has just passed a new bill, called the CARES Act to provide stimulus and relief for the coronavirus situation.  There are many aspects of the bill ranging from loan forgiveness, unemployment insurance expansion, healthcare provisions, student loan provisions, SB...

March 27, 2020
CARES Act – Stimulus Checks

Congress has just passed a new bill called the CARES Act to provide stimulus and relief for the Coronavirus situation.  One of the biggest parts of the bill is stimulus money that will come directly to individual taxpayers in the next few weeks.  Chris Wittich, CPA and tax...

March 27, 2020
CARES Act – Individual Tax Provisions

Congress has just passed a new bill called the CARES Act to provide stimulus and relief for the Coronavirus situation.  Chris Wittich, CPA and tax partner with Boyum Barenscheer discusses the individual tax provisions of the bill....

March 17, 2020
Tax Updates – Coronavirus Assistance Updated March 22, 2020

On March 17th the IRS came out with guidance to assist taxpayers as the effects of coronavirus are felt across the country. Here is a summary of the actions that the IRS has taken:...

March 14, 2020
Coronavirus Update for Clients – Our Office Policies

This blog post contains current status information on services provided by Boyum Barenscheer. Any updates to office closures or other situations impacting our services will be posted on this blog. We are committed to the health and safety of our employees and clients....

January 27, 2020
2020 Tax Deadlines to Remember

We all know about April 15th, but there are a number of additional deadlines to remember.  Below are additional deadlines throughout the year that may impact you, depending on your accounting situation:...

January 22, 2020
Help Protect Your Personal Information by Filing Your 2019 Tax Return Early

The IRS announced it is opening the 2019 individual income tax return filing season on January 27. Even if you typically don’t file until much closer to the April 15 deadline (or you file for an extension), consider filing as soon as you can this year. The reason: You can ...

January 9, 2020
4 New Law Changes That May Affect Your Retirement Plan

If you save for retirement with an IRA or other plan, you’ll be interested to know that Congress recently passed a law that makes significant modifications to these accounts. The SECURE Act, which was signed into law on December 20, 2019, made these four changes....

December 31, 2019
Your Home Office Expenses May Be Tax Deductible

Technology has made it easier to work from home so lots of people now commute each morning to an office down the hall. However, just because you have a home office space doesn’t mean you can deduct expenses associated with it....

December 27, 2019
Congress Gives A Holiday Gift In The Form Of Favorable Tax Provisions

As part of a year-end budget bill, Congress just passed a package of tax provisions that will provide savings for some taxpayers. The White House has announced that President Trump will sign the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2020 into law. It also includes a ret...

November 14, 2019
Using Your 401(k) Plan to Save This Year and Next

You can reduce taxes and save for retirement by contributing to a tax-advantaged retirement plan. If your employer offers a 401(k) or Roth 401(k) plan, contributing to it is a taxwise way to build a nest egg. If you’re not already contributing the maximum allowed, conside...

November 6, 2019
Save For A Disabled Family Member With A Tax-Advantaged Account

There’s a tax-advantaged way for people to save for the needs of family members with disabilities — without having them lose eligibility for government benefits to which they’re entitled. It can be done though an Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) account, which...