
Category: Construction

May 3, 2024
Best Practices for Offsite Construction Project Management

Under the offsite construction model, major building components or even entire modular structures are prefabricated in manufacturing facilities and transported to job sites for assembly. For various reasons, including lessons learned during the pandemic, it’s become increa...

April 18, 2024
Insuring Construction Projects Under a CCIP

Construction projects are inherently fraught with risk. That’s why having the right insurance in place is critical for all parties involved. For contractors, however, adequate coverage typically comes at a high price and with abundant red tape when dealing with insurers. O...

February 6, 2024
Developments on Tax Incentives Available to Construction & Engineering Businesses for Tax Year 2023
December 18, 2023
How Construction Company Owners Can Build a Succession Plan Framework

At some time or another, construction company owners must hang up their hard hats. But what will happen to your business when you retire or move on to the next professional opportunity? And what if you suddenly can’t work for an extended period, because of illness or injur...

September 5, 2023
7 Questions Contractors Should Ask Before Seeking Outside Financing

Construction companies can leverage loans, lines of credit and other such products to help ensure positive cash flow, build creditworthiness and fuel business growth. But the options can seem limitless and overwhelming. Here are seven questions to discuss with your leadershi...

August 3, 2023
Check Your Construction Company’s Vital Signs with KPIs

When you go to the doctor, the first thing the medical staff likely does is check vital signs such as your temperature and blood pressure. They do so because, if any of these measurements are outside the norms, the doctor may need to elevate your level of care....

July 13, 2023
3 Big Inventory Issues for Construction Companies

Construction businesses can save time and avoid hassle by maintaining an inventory of critical materials and supplies. But managing that inventory for tax purposes can be challenging....

July 19, 2021
What You Can Do to Prevent Fraud in Your Construction Company

Fraud is costly for all victimized companies, but it’s even worse in the construction sector. According to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners’ Report to the Nations: 2020 Global Study on Occupational Fraud and Abuse, construction companies affected by fraud los...

March 25, 2020
Construction Considered Essential Services Under Executive Order 20-20

On Wednesday, March 25, 2020 Governor Tim Walz issued Executive Order 20-20 ("Stay Home Executive Order") directing Minnesotans to stay at home and limit movements outside their homes beyond essential needs for two weeks.  The Executive Order is in effect for two weeks begi...

November 20, 2019
Bridging The Gap Between Budgeting And Risk Management

At many companies, a wide gap exists between the budgeting process and risk management. Failing to consider major threats could leave you vulnerable to high-impact hits to your budget if one or more of these dangers materialize. Here are some common types of risks to researc...

November 6, 2019
Is Multicloud Computing Right For Your Business?

Cloud computing — storing data and accessing apps via the Internet — has been widely adopted by businesses across industry and size. Like many technological advances, though, new derivatives continue to emerge — including so-called multicloud computing. ...

October 21, 2019
Putting the Brakes on Lapping Schemes

Lapping schemes are one of the most common ways crooked employees skim money from their employers. In these schemes, a perpetrator uses receipts from one account to cover theft from another. Here’s what lapping looks like and how you can help prevent it....