
Category: Tax Tips

September 3, 2021
Recovery Start-Up Employee Retention Credit

Did you start a business in 2020 and think that you were unable to qualify for the amazing Employee Retention Credit? Well, think again; you could be in luck. The recently enacted American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA), created a new path that could allow you to qualify for...

July 15, 2021
IRS Struggles

It’s never been a particularly pleasant experience dealing with the IRS, but the IRS is struggling mightily right now in a way they have never struggled before. Their service is at an all-time low and there is no end in sight. They have millions of unopened pieces of mai...

July 13, 2021
New Minnesota Tax Law on PTE

On July 1, 2021, Governor Tim Walz signed into law Minnesota’s FY 2022-2023 State Budget, which includes a new elective pass-through entity (PTE) tax. This allows certain qualifying PTEs, including partnerships, limited liability companies (LLC’s), and S corporations, to...

July 1, 2021
2021 Midyear Tax Planning

As the recovery from the COVID-19 crisis takes hold and the economy and life begin to return to normal, now is an ideal time to focus on tax planning for the remainder of 2021. ...

June 29, 2021
2021 Dirty Dozen Tax Scams

The IRS released its annual “Dirty Dozen” tax scams for 2021 on June 28th. One of the key provisions of this announcement is the IRS this year made its Identity Protection PIN program available to all taxpayers. ...

June 24, 2021
Important Changes to the Child Tax Credit

Recently, there were changes made to the child tax credit that will benefit many taxpayers. As part of the American Rescue Plan Act that was enacted in March 2021, the child tax credit:...

February 26, 2021
Should Your Business Add Roth Contributions to its 401(k)?

If your business sponsors a 401(k) plan, you might someday consider adding designated Roth contributions. Here are some factors to explore when deciding whether such a feature would make sense for your company and its employees....

December 1, 2020
New Developments with PPP – We can assist you with Forgiveness!

With the new developments regarding PPP, make sure you are aware of the details of the updates.  We have highlighted some of the resources we have created and we can show you how we can assist you with your PPP Loan Forgiveness....

October 22, 2020
Minnesota Now Conformed to Federal Section 179 Deduction

Minnesota has conformed to the Federal Section 179 deduction. This deduction allows taxpayers to deduct the entire cost of certain property as an expense. This eliminates the addback under the former Minnesota law....

April 25, 2020
Webinar Recording: PPP Loan Forgiveness

This webinar was recorded on April 24, 2020 and featured Boyum Barenscheer CPAs discussing PPP Loan Forgiveness - Who, What, Where and Why to Spend the Money.  The one hour presentation was followed by 30 minutes of Q&A.  ...

March 31, 2020
COVID-19 Summary and Resources – March 30, 2020

As I put together this document of the timeline, summaries and resources for you, I wanted to share what message I printed out and shared with my daughters as they start their first day at home of flex learning: Don’t Stress, Do Your Best, Forget the Rest...

February 18, 2020
179D Deduction Is Back!

The 179D deduction has been gone since 2017 and the good news is that it is back.  The tax extenders bill passed in December 2019 with this popular Energy Efficient Commercial Buildings Deduction.  This had become a viable tax savings strategy again for many taxpayers. The...