
Category: Strategic Business Planning

June 17, 2021
Don’t Assume Your Profitable Company Has Strong Cash Flow

Most of us are taught from a young age never to assume anything. Why? Well, because when you assume, you make an … you probably know how the rest of the expression goes. A dangerous assumption that many business owners make is that, if their companies are profitable, their...

March 10, 2021
5 Ways to Streamline and Energize Your Sales Process

No matter what your business does, you don’t want your sales staff hamstrung by overly complicated procedures as they strive to seize opportunities in the presumably brighter near-future. Here are five ways to streamline and energize your sales process....

December 30, 2020
Ring in the New Year with a Renewed Focus on Profitability

Some might say the end of one calendar year and the beginning of another is a formality. The linear nature of time doesn’t change, merely the numbers we use to mark it. Others, however, would say that a fresh 12 months — particularly after the arduous, anxiety-inducing n...

March 13, 2020
The Difference Between a Mission Statement and a Vision Statement

Many business owners put off writing a mission statement. Who has time to write down why you’re in business when you’re busy trying to run one! And perhaps even fewer owners have created a vision statement — possibly because they’re not sure what the term even means....

March 12, 2020
How to Make the Most of Your Multigenerational Workforce

Many of today’s businesses employ workers from across the generational spectrum. Employees may range from Baby Boomers to members of Generation X to Millennials to the newest group, Generation Z. Managing a multigenerational workforce with a wide age range requires flexibi...

February 19, 2020
Digital Documents With E-Signatures Aren’t Going Away

Have you applied for a business loan lately? Or had some repairs done on your facilities? Maybe you’ve signed a contract with a certain technologically inclined customer or vendor. In any of these instances, you (or one of your employees) probably had to electronically sig...

November 6, 2019
Is Multicloud Computing Right For Your Business?

Cloud computing — storing data and accessing apps via the Internet — has been widely adopted by businesses across industry and size. Like many technological advances, though, new derivatives continue to emerge — including so-called multicloud computing. ...

September 17, 2019
The Succession and Retirement Planning Puzzle

Succession and retirement planning is an interesting puzzle.  Everyone needs to plan for retirement. But as a business owner, you face a distinctive challenge in that you must save for your golden years while also creating, updating and eventually executing a succession pla...

September 13, 2019
Start Your Strategic Planning Early for Best Results

Time flies when you’re having fun — and running a business. Although it’s probably too early to start chilling a bottle of bubbly for New Year’s Eve, it’s certainly not too early for business owners to start doing some strategic planning for next year. Here are som...

August 20, 2019
Using Dashboard Software to Keep Your Eye on the Prize

Like most business owners, you’ve probably been urged by industry experts and professional advisors to identify the most important key performance indicators (KPIs) for your company. So, just for the sake of discussion, let’s say you’ve done that. A natural question th...

August 10, 2019
Is it Time to Hire a CFO or Controller?

Many business owners reach a point where managing the financial side of the enterprise becomes overwhelming. Usually, this is a good thing — the company has grown to a point where simple bookkeeping and basic financial reporting just don’t cut it anymore.  If you can re...

July 24, 2019
Strategic Planning Meeting Tips

Many businesses struggle to turn abstract strategic-planning ideas into concrete, actionable plans. One reason why is simple: ineffective meetings. The ideas are there, lurking in the minds of management and key employees, but the process for hashing them out just doesn’t ...