
Category: Nonprofit

February 22, 2023
Passing the Public Support Test

Unless 501(c)(3) organizations prove they’re publicly supported, the IRS assumes they’re private foundations. The distinction is important, because publicly supported charities enjoy higher tax-deductible donation limits and generally are exempt from excise taxes and rel...

February 21, 2023
Are Your Accounting and Development Departments like Oil and Water?

When Accounting and Development teams don’t work well together, the situation can lead to more than employee hostility and conflict. It can affect the not-for-profit’s financial statements and lead to the forfeiture of grant funds. To ensure the staffers in your Accounti...

February 1, 2023
A Refresher on Nonprofit Endowment Management

If your not-for-profit has an endowment, you probably know it’s a major responsibility. Endowment investments generally need to be managed by a financial expert, and your organization must adhere to certain regulations, particularly when it comes to spending. As a refreshe...

January 20, 2023
Valuing Tangible Property Donations Isn’t as Simple as You May Think

A new refugee resettlement charity had only just begun operating when its director realized something: She wasn’t sure how to value the many donations of clothing and household goods community members had dropped off. Was value simply the price her not-for-profit would cha...

December 30, 2022
Tip to Help Prevent Accounting and Tax Errors

Although failing to file a Form 990 with the IRS when required to do so is probably a more serious mistake, filing it with data errors isn’t recommended. Similarly, your not-for-profit should strive to be as accurate as possible when preparing accounting and other tax docu...

December 27, 2022
Game On! Just Make Sure Your Nonprofit Follows Tax Rules

If you’re starting to plan activities for a 2023 fundraiser, consider gaming — for example, bingo, poker, raffles and even casino-type games. Such games can be a great way to engage supporters and raise more revenue than your not-for-profit might otherwise. However, gami...

December 14, 2022
New Accounting Standard: Does it Affect Your Nonprofit?

An accounting standard from the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) that takes effect in mid-December, 2022, could require your not-for-profit organization to act. Accounting Standards Update (ASU) No. 2016-13, Financial Instruments — Credit Losses (Topic 326), Mea...

November 29, 2022
Operating Reserves Can Help Cushion Financial Blows

First the COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc on not-for-profit finances and operations. Now, many organizations are worried about how high inflation and a possible recession might interfere with their plans. To help prevent service disruptions and other negative outcomes, focus...

October 21, 2022
Keep Your Religious Congregation on the Financial Straight and Narrow

Religious congregations usually enjoy greater protection from federal government oversight than other not-for-profit organizations. For example, the IRS can’t conduct a “church tax inquiry” unless a high-level Treasury Department official has written evidence that a re...

October 3, 2022
Lost Your Tax-Exempt Status? Here’s How to Regain It

So you forgot to file your not-for-profit’s Form 990, 990-EZ or 990-N with the IRS. It can happen — particularly with newer organizations that are still trying to get a handle on all the financial and regulatory requirements of running a nonprofit. However, if you forget...

August 25, 2022
For a Stronger Nonprofit, Increase the Number of Income Streams

Not-for-profits that rely on a single income source, or only a few, are vulnerable to economic shocks. The COVID-19 pandemic has made this particularly clear. Most organizations have had to scramble to make up for lost revenue when at least some of their usual support dried ...

August 3, 2022
What Revenue Numbers Can Reveal About Your Nonprofit’s Financial Health

When professional auditors review a not-for-profit’s books, they usually spend significant time on revenue. Inadequate revenue — or revenue trending in the wrong direction — can provide an early warning of future trouble. But you don’t have to wait for your next audi...