
Category: Nonprofit

November 22, 2023
Best Practices for Effective Board Meeting Minutes

If you think the recorded minutes of your nonprofit’s board meetings are just a formality, think again. Meeting minutes can become critical documents if, for example, your organization is audited by the IRS or your directors are sued due to a board decision. That’s why i...

November 15, 2023
How to Get the Financing Your Nonprofit Needs

Relatively high interest rates and tight lending standards are making it difficult for even for-profit businesses to apply and qualify for bank loans. But not-for-profits, which may lack adequate collateral or steady cash flow, generally face a greater uphill battle when it ...

October 5, 2023
Do You Have to Return a Donation When a Donor Requests It?

If a donor has never asked your not-for-profit to return a gift, it may only be a matter of time. Although uncommon, donors can change their minds. They may come to believe your organization is misusing or wasting donated funds or decide it’s no longer fulfilling its chari...

October 2, 2023
Trust and Internal Controls Can Coexist in Your Nonprofit

Within a period of just a month, a Minnesota woman was charged with skimming more than $300,000 from her animal rescue charity, a Florida man was charged with multiple felonies for running several charities for his personal benefit, and a New York man was sentenced to 18 mon...

August 16, 2023
Nonprofits: Ready, Set, Audit!

By scheduling annual financial statement audits, you can demonstrate your organization’s financial fitness to donors and other stakeholders. Plus, state governments and other grant makers may mandate them. But don’t assume that auditors will simply swoop in and take care...

August 10, 2023
Private Foundations: “Disqualified Persons” Must Color Within the Lines

Although conflict-of-interest policies are essential for all not-for-profits, private foundations must be particularly careful about adhering to them. In general, stricter rules apply to foundations. For example, you might assume that transactions with insiders are acceptabl...

June 12, 2023
Commit to Continually Improve Your Nonprofit’s Accounting Processes

Do your not-for-profit’s accounting processes work perfectly — with no errors, delays or other inefficiencies? If yours is like most organizations, probably not. But if your nonprofit is committed to improvement, you have an edge over those that accept the status quo. Wh...

June 5, 2023
Are Your Nonprofit’s Interim and Year-End Financial Statements at Odds?

Using the cash basis of accounting may make sense for your not-for-profit organization — at least at this stage. Many smaller nonprofits use the cash basis to prepare their financial statements because it’s generally quick, easy and intuitive and can alert them to curren...

May 22, 2023
Keep Thieves from Stealing from Your Nonprofit Youth Sports League

A few years ago, the popular and well-compensated executive director of a west coast youth soccer league was accused of fraud. After scrutinizing the club’s books, the league’s board of directors couldn’t account for $80,000. Criminal charges were eventually dropped, b...

April 26, 2023
Keeping in Compliance with Uniform Guidance

If your not-for-profit receives significant federal funds, it may be subject to the Office of Management and Budget’s Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements (Uniform Guidance). And if your nonprofit spends $750,000 or more in federal awards in...

April 3, 2023
Nonprofits: 4 ratios worth watching

To control your not-for-profit’s expenses and improve operating efficiency, you need to keep an eye on the numbers. This should come as no surprise. But which measures are important? Which ratios can help you identify how much currently goes toward programming (as opposed ...

March 20, 2023
Make Your Nonprofit’s Auction a Success by Following IRS Rules

Whether your nonprofit is holding an in-person or online auction to raise funds, you need to be careful to adhere to tax requirements. For example, you should provide written acknowledgments (including good faith estimates of any goods or services provided in return for cont...