
Category: Nonprofit

February 5, 2020
How Taxes Affect Your Nonprofit’s Donors

Taxes can affect donations to nonprofits. The deductibility of most charitable gifts hasn’t changed since passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, but some recordkeeping requirements have. Helping your donors who itemize deductions understand the rules and benefits of their g...

January 22, 2020
Conflict-of-Interest Policies are Too Important for Nonprofits to Neglect

Does your not-for-profit organization have a conflict-of-interest policy in place? Do your board members, trustees and key employees understand how the policy affects them? If you answer “no” to either (or both) of these questions, you have some work to do....

January 3, 2020
Congress Rolls Back Burdensome UBIT On Transportation Benefits

A much-hated tax on not-for-profit organizations is on the way out. At the end of 2019, Congress repealed a provision of 2017’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) that triggered the unrelated business income tax (UBIT) of 21% on nonprofit employers that provide employees with tr...

December 11, 2019
How Many Directors Does Your Nonprofit’s Board Need?

State law typically specifies the minimum number of directors a not-for-profit must have on its board. But so long as organizations fulfill that requirement, it’s up to them to determine how many total board members they need. Several guidelines can help you arrive at the ...

November 14, 2019
Accounting for Contributions and Grants is Now Easier

Accounting for contributions and grants has often proven complicated for not-for-profits, especially when they come with donor-imposed conditions. But 2018 guidance from the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) provided some much-needed clarification of earlier instru...

September 23, 2019
When Do Nonprofits Need to Register in Multiple States?

Many nonprofit organizations use fundraising methods that cross state boundaries. If your nonprofit is one of them, it may need to register in multiple jurisdictions. But keep in mind that registration requirements vary — sometimes dramatically — from state to state. So ...

September 13, 2019
MN Tax Law Conformity Bill – What You Need to Know

The Minnesota Legislature recently passed a tax bill that conforms or partially conforms several Minnesota tax laws to changes made under prior Federal tax bills. Below is a link to a listing provided by the Minnesota Society of CPAs (MNCPA) of the items that now conform or...

September 13, 2019
Nonprofit Borrowing – Finding a Lender May be Tough

Borrowing isn’t just for businesses. Many not-for-profits borrow money for major capital purchases, new program funding and even to manage current cash flow. But if you’re hoping to borrow, it’s important to understand that there are likely to be obstacles ahead, inclu...

September 13, 2019
Start Your Strategic Planning Early for Best Results

Time flies when you’re having fun — and running a business. Although it’s probably too early to start chilling a bottle of bubbly for New Year’s Eve, it’s certainly not too early for business owners to start doing some strategic planning for next year. Here are som...

September 6, 2019
Adopting a Nonprofit Gift Acceptance Policy

When you receive a personal gift from a friend or family member — even if it’s not something you particularly want — you accept the gift and thank the person. The same isn’t always true of gifts given to your not-for-profit. Gifts should be examined, and, possibly, r...

August 25, 2019
Nonprofit Investment Advisor Selection Process

You may think that only large, well-endowed not-for-profits require the advice of a nonprofit investment advisor. But even smaller nonprofits with modest endowments — particularly smaller nonprofits that don’t have in-house financial expertise — can benefit from hiring...

August 16, 2019
Social Listening Strategies for Nonprofits

How well do you listen to your not-for-profit’s supporters? If you don’t engage in “social listening,” your efforts may not be good enough. This marketing communications strategy is popular with for-profit companies, but can just as easily help nonprofits attract and...