
Category: Business Management

August 3, 2020
Ramsey County Provides Small Business Relief

Ramsey County is providing emergency assistance to small local businesses adversely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. ...

July 30, 2020
Small Business Emergency Funding for Hennepin County

Hennepin County is announcing the availability of $10 million towards a new round of emergency funding for small businesses impacted by COVID-19....

June 23, 2020
Minnesota Small Business Relief Grants

On the first day of the June special session, the MN Legislature passed the Minnesota Small Business Relief Grants Program which was signed by Gov. Tim Walz shortly after. The program sets aside more than $60M in funding to give $10,000 grants to small businesses in Minneso...

June 5, 2020
Webinar Recording: PPP Loan Game Changer

Good news!  The House and Senate have now passed a bill which is expected to be signed by the President this week.  It makes huge changes to the PPP Loans and will have a huge impact on the PPP Loan Forgiveness.  One highlight is a change from 8 to 24 weeks but there are ...

May 20, 2020
Webinar Recording: PPP Loan Forgiveness – The Application

This past weekend the SBA released the PPP Loan Forgiveness Application. Join Boyum Barenscheer's COVID-19 resource team for this webinar as we dive into the application and how it changes the rules related to owner compensation, FTE counts, the 8-week covered period, non-pa...

May 13, 2020
Fixing Your PPP Loan That Was Too Low

Guidance on PPP loans has been a whirlwind to say the least.  Many people submitted applications based on the rules at the time, and then had the rules change after the fact.  The SBA just published new guidance on May 13thwhich will allow some of those situations to be re...

May 13, 2020
Proposals in Congress – What Might be Coming

Since the CARES Act passed in late March Congress has been silent. Now the Congress is starting to work on a new phase of legislation and potentially clean up some of the issues that came out of the CARES Act.  All of these are just proposals, but it will give you an idea o...

May 13, 2020
Good News from the SBA on PPP Certification

Good news from the SBA this morning on PPP loans.  They said that PPP loans less than $2 million will have been deemed to have made the required good faith certifications regarding the necessity for the loan request.  Below is the entire Frequently Asked Question guidance ...

May 4, 2020
Give Employees a Voice to Report Fraud

Before the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic struck, employees who suspected occupational fraud in their organizations had multiple options for notifying their employers. For example, they could use interoffice mail to send information anonymously or meet with HR personn...

May 2, 2020
Should I Keep My PPP Loan?

We have clients that continue to be resilient and have had minimal impact to their business so far as a result of COVID 19.  Many businesses either have applied or are considering applying for the PPP loan because of continued uncertainty in their business.  As part of the...

May 1, 2020
PPP Loan Forgiveness and Deductibility

Congress passed the CARES Act and a big part of it was the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans.  If you spent the PPP money on payroll costs plus rent and utilities or mortgage interest, you could have the money spent from the PPP loan on these costs forgiven.  We’ve...

April 27, 2020
5 Ways to Protect Remote Workers — And Your Business — From Cyberattacks

Many businesses were unprepared when the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic required them to close their physical offices and shift to remote operations. Your company, for example, may have had to scramble to set up a virtual private network (VPN) or move files to the clo...